Friday, May 28, 2010

The Queen Sister arrives tonight.

It's been almost a year since I saw her last.

But I shan't see her tonight.

I shall patiently wait till tomorrow when she comes over for another family brunch where the Queen Father, the Queen Sister and the Queen herself will all together cut the May Birthday Cake.

All for one and one for All.

That'll be all


Sorcerer said...

All For One and One For All.

Strength and Honor...Your Majesty!! Strength and Honor!!

Let the Gods keep the wolf on the hills and the woman in their tutus!!!

Queenmatrai said...

sheesh looks like this queendom will have to have the women in tutus sooner than later...and not just the jester in a tutu

Queenmatrai said...
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Revati Upadhya said...

fun fun fun!!

wait, shes not staying with you?!

Queenmatrai said...

Haathi - Staying with her in-laws and us...

Aparna said...

Have fun...


Queenmatrai said...

Thanks Aparna

Killer Drama said...

i so love sunday brunches ~ fun fun fun

weekends are for eatinglikeapig.

have fun with sister :> i don't have any, no idea what's that like! but i ve heard its really cool having fun..


fun fun fun!!
well written !!
In b/w Inviting u to comment on my new post ..

Ramit Grover said...

Hey! The Tutu is the Jester's right! Girls better stay out of it! LMAO!

Have a fun lunch!