Friday, May 28, 2010

Today while commenting on a blog, the comment moderation made me type the word 'swimp'.

It made me chuckle and it makes me feel like adding the word to Queendom.

So the next contest is, what should 'swimp' mean in Queendom.

Multiple entries permitted.

I shall set the deadline on this one shortly.

In the meantime, keep swimping (if that is a word)

That'll Be All


Killer Drama said...

a swimp! what could that be..hmmm


^tough one!

Meowwwwwooo said...

i've heard that word bfore... stay loyal to your friends even in their tough times??

Ramit Grover said...

I love Reshma's answer!

Wicked Witch of the West said...

Ah, swimping is what the young guys in the low low hanging jeans do. They try to swagger, but because of their jean placement they somewhat limp. So, the poor things just swimp along.

Revati Upadhya said...

to swimp is so smooth talk your way out of a sticky situation!

Ramit Grover said...

I was checking Google for Swimp and came up with pictures of Chihuahua dogs! Strange!

Ramit Grover said...

Swimps are wimps who back stab other people and are generally insecure.

How's that?

Geez, doesn't make sense to me either!

Ramit Grover said...

Swimp could be the female version of swamp!

Yeah, yeah, I'll shut up now! :P

Sorcerer said...

A pimp swimming

Revati Upadhya said...

lol@sorcerers version

Killer Drama said...

i gave up after i saw the word only

Queenmatrai said...

Lovin it...

Let's keep it open for another day or two ;)

Killer Drama said...


Ramit Grover said...

Lol @ Sorcy!

sulagna said...

oh oh...its how important i awesome i am....SooWeryIMP....Sooo i feel swimp today coz i sent my mom her 51nd birthday cake and a bunch of 52 yellow carnations

yeah that makes em feel swipm..very special, very nice, very good aboot myself

sulagna said...

and yes a sweaty pimp also is a swimp!

sulagna said...

ohhh wait wait..i sweat and so my skins breaks out into pimples..i have a swimp problem!!

OHk i shut up now!

sulagna said...

OMG!!!! For once i thank my swimpy skin...Thank you queen..i take this with sincere respect and love for thee..


The Fair Maiden

Ramit Grover said...

Congratulations Fair Maiden!